Hi there! My name is Tanja

photographer. imaginator. confidence Catalyst.

just a gal, with a camera, on a mission to empower young women to fall in love with themselves....one photo at a time.

I believe…

  • that happiness is a CHOICE, not a pursuit.
  • that life is too short to test the water, jump in.
  • confidence is loving who you are and the skin you are in – and it is beautiful.
  • that your voice is your most powerful asset.
  • that it is my mission to free YOU from the idea of perfection and invite you, instead, to embrace and flaunt your fabulous imperfections
  • that we are here to make the best of this beautiful life we've been given.

I’m guilty of…

  • never sugar-coating things, I am not Willy Wonka.
  • weeping openly at sappy YouTube videos. You know the ones…
  • hating to cook, so I married a chef
  • binge-watching “Hoarders” instead of cleaning my house so that by contrast my house looks spotless.
  • riding shopping carts like scooters through parking lots
  • busting out a show tune (loudly and off-key) whenever the mood strikes

10 random things about me...

I'm a recovering scientist (my career for 16 years prior to photography). I married my best friend in 2003 and he still makes me weak in the knees. My heart walks around outside of my body in the form of a 6'3" smart, talented, compassionate kid I get to claim as my own. I spent 11 days in China photographing Pandas and count it as one of my most treasured experiences. I raise backyard chickens and though they are all female, they all have boy names. The ocean is my favorite place on earth and where I feel most recharged. I'm a huge nerd who loves D&D. I have the world's most wonderful pup named Foom. Calliope (Callie), our scaredy-cat, joined our family during Covid. My hair rarely stays the same color for more than 6 moths.

and...#11...I'm insanely blessed to be one of the few people who can truly say that I absolutely LOVE my job.